Forester & Son
Thomas Forester & Sons was a pottery manufacturer based in Longton, Staffordshire, United Kingdom. The company started as Thomas Forester in the 1870s and appeared regularly in the Pottery Gazette during the 1880s. It specialized in the manufacture of majolica and Victorian earthenware.
By 1900 the company employed over 700 people in the Staffordshire area and was considered one of the largest producers of majolica in England by the late 1800s. At its peak the company had rooms of exhibition in London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna.
Before 1900 the company was known for producing a wide range of Victorian majolica. Techniques were later improved, leading to the production of much elaborate art pottery, including Trogon Ware, in the 1920s and 1930s.
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By 1900 the company employed over 700 people in the Staffordshire area and was considered one of the largest producers of majolica in England by the late 1800s. At its peak the company had rooms of exhibition in London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna.
Before 1900 the company was known for producing a wide range of Victorian majolica. Techniques were later improved, leading to the production of much elaborate art pottery, including Trogon Ware, in the 1920s and 1930s.
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